Malik Hameed, a 41-year-old Pakistani mobile shop owner with his 36-year-old shop assistant were attacked by two South Asian assailants in Chung King mansion.
A wielding knife was used and one of the victim’s little finger was chopped off. People at the scene started to scream and led to the security guards to come to the scene whilst calling the police.
Ambulance arrived at the scene and the two injured were taken to hospital. Several relatives and friends who heard the news rushed to the hospital. Police arrived at the scene with blood-stained spots all over the ground.
Here is the CCTV coverage of the suspects about to attack:
They followed the spots from the D Block off the back alleys to the ground and seized a backpack, and off the roadside bamboo building in Myanmar seized a pile of beef knife. At 3 pm, another resident of the building found another beef knife in the back alleys near building canopies , then informed the police after investigation, believed to be abandoned when the culprit fled under.
Police handling the case are from the Yau Tsim District Criminal Investigation Team. The police reports the reason behind the attack on the victims is unknown and pending investigation, detectives are looking for the assailants to justice.
It’s extremely sad to see such events occurring, especially since it is the month of Ramadan.
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