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“If Muslims don’t like the law, they can leave” – 4 responses to those who have this mindset

Islam and Muslims continue to bear the consequences of a few who have become extremists and of those who clearly have a stigma and phobia of the way of life.

Burqa and Niqab have long been banned in many Western lands and other non-Muslim societies, some have even banned the Muslim beard and cracking down on children reading Quran. Then there is the prevent policy put in motion by certain governments whereby children are taken away from their parents if they show any signs of radicalism, but the disturbing fact is that only Muslim children are being targeted and that too with outrageous outcomes.

Now, it’s the turn of Burqinis being banned and those women found wearing them being fined. Journalist Yvonne Ridley tweeted the following:

Yvonne ridley

Even Fox News host Bill O’Reilly finding it “crazy”.

Now I think this is dumb, if women want to wear cover-ups while swimming, so what?

And if the cover-up in mandated by their religion, they should have the absolute right to do that.

Paul Barry, the host of ABC Media Watch found the move disrespectful.

Paul barry

In the midst of all of these disturbing rulings in lands which claim to be uphold freedom of speech and expression, there are those who say to Muslims to leave if they can”t accept the rulings. Here are four responses to these people by Dr. Yasir Qadhi.

Firstly, Muslim citizens are *just* as part of any nation state as anyone else is, so if *you* don’t like Muslims in your country, *you* can leave, thank you.

Secondly, last I checked, Saudi Arabia and/or the Taliban/and or Iran are *not* claiming secular liberalism and religious freedom for all. France, and Europe and the Western World, are. So don’t bring in other lands with other systems of government as comparisons.

If the Western lands claim to be liberal, their liberalism is independent of the laws of Saudi Arabia, so let them live up to it.

Thirdly, the hypocrisy is clear.

Nuns are not and would not be targeted; neither are scuba divers.

Fourthly, given the current climate, it is an undeniable reality that this legislation is distinctly intended to curb the practice of Islam and the religious appearance of Muslims, and only Islam/Muslims.

This will only further marginalize the already marginalized Muslim and N. African community in France, and feed in to the extremist narratives of the radical jihadist groups

Frankly much of Western policy, as journalists like Robert Fisk and Glenn Greenwald and others point out, appears to play to radical groups’ advantage, and directly aid the risk of radicalization rather than curb it.


Written by Adeel Malik

Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Scotland and ethnically Pakistani, Adeel primes himself to be a multicultural individual who is an advent social media user for the purpose of learning and propagating Islam while is also a sports fan. Being an English teacher himself, he envisions a bright future for Muslims which he strongly believes can only be done with education.

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