
After Toronto attack, many take to social media asking the ever-repeated question, ‘Why is this not being labelled as an act of terrorism?’

On Monday afternoon, in one of Canada’s major city, Toronto had to witness a barbaric and insane act of cowardliness as Alek Minassian, 25-year-old student, drove his van into a crowd of pedestrians, killing 10 in the process and injuring many others.

This manner of carrying out the crime by barraging a vehicle into a crowd isn’t new, sadly, as London, Munster, Berlin, Barcelona, Paris, Nice and Stockholm have all suffered from it.

Keeping in the disgust, the shock and the thoughts to those who have suffered all in tact, there are two things that we need to again remind ourselves when such events unfold.

Firstly, terrorism. Here are a set of tweets that should explain the notion.

And there are plenty more going around with a similar mindset. So for those who say it’s all about being safe and getting the facts correct before releasing the details, yes you are right. But why does this criteria only applies when the killer hasn’t shouted Allahu Akbar or is clear-shaven or the like?

Many appalled, yet not surprised, as the deadliest mass shooting in US history, the Las Vegas attack, is not being labelled as terrorism

Why don’t we have the media and the government officials following the same protocol of labeling the killer as being mental, sick, insane and the like? Yes. Double standards. Selective choice of words. Hypocrisy.

Again, why is the Austin suicide bomber, a white supremacist, not being labelled as a terrorist? Oh yes, he’s not a Muslim that’s why!

The second thing to reflect over is the amount of coverage events are given. The drone bombings upon places like Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and the like are just a spate in comparison to if the people who suffered death due to such heinous acts.

Again, a reminder to all, just like we should not be selective in our choice of words when the lives of innocent people are harmed, we should never ever be selective in our outrage and sentiments regardless of the what background of the people is that are harmed.

We truly hope this violence, this carnage, this mindless and heartless acts stop, worldwide and that people don’t have to fear for their lives while being a crowd of people or just in their homes with the families.

Written by Adeel Malik

Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Scotland and ethnically Pakistani, Adeel primes himself to be a multicultural individual who is an advent social media user for the purpose of learning and propagating Islam while is also a sports fan. Being an English teacher himself, he envisions a bright future for Muslims which he strongly believes can only be done with education.

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