Each year, the season of Hajj brings special, heartwarming and inspiring moments for everyone to cherish. This year we came to know about the Chinese Muslim who cycled to Makkah. Now we have came to know by a Facebook post of Shaykh Sulaiman Ghani that 120-year-old who is even called Sulaiman is in Makkah from Lebanon in order to perform Hajj 1437/2016.
Stories like these ought to give us all an Emaan boost, showing how Allāh can call anyone to His house. Here is a video with the Shaykh having a conversation with the brave and dynamic man who as it can be seen is full of optimism, guile and energy to complete the best journey of life.
We ask Allāh to accept from the elderly brother and everyone else. May Allāh grant them all strength and safeguard them all from all types of harms whilst guide them to do the acts that will be most pleasing to Him.