Islam – Do I know? by Rashid Baba January 14, 2019, 8:06 pm 伊斯蘭教—我有多了解? 1.年齡組別 (Your age group) 15-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ None 2. 性別 (Your gender) 男 (Male) 女 (Female) None 3. 族裔 (Ethnicity) 華裔 (Chinese) 非華裔 (Non-Chinese) None 4. 信仰 (Religion) 基督教 (Christian) 佛教 (Buddhist) 伊斯蘭教 (Muslim) 無神論者 (Atheist) 其他 (Other) None 5. 用三個單字來形容伊斯蘭教。(請簡短回答) [Three words that come to your mind when you think of Islam? (Short Answers)] 6. 你知道伊斯蘭教對主宰的定義嗎?(Do you know what is the understanding of God in Islam?) 知道 (請簡述)[Yes (state answer)] 不知道 (No) None 7. 在伊斯蘭教義中你知道誰是穆罕默德(願主福安之)嗎?[Do you know who is Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Islam?] 神 (God of Muslims) 先知 (A Prophet ) 不清楚 (Not sure) None 8. 你相信有死後的世界存在嗎?為什麼?(Do you believe in life after death? Why?) 相信 (Yes) 不相信 (No) 不清楚 (Not sure) None 9. 你覺得伊斯蘭教是個提倡暴力的宗教嗎?(Do you feel Islam is a violent religion?) 是 (Yes) 不是 (No) 不清楚 (Not sure) None 10。 當你遇見有鬍子的穆斯林時,你會想到什麼呢?(請簡短回答)[When you see a Muslim man with a beard, what comes to your mind? (Short answers)] 11. 你覺得伊斯蘭國(ISIS)是伊斯蘭教的一部分嗎?(Do you think ISIS is part of Islam?) 是 (Yes) 不是 (No) 不清楚 (Not sure) None 12. 你覺得媒體上報導的伊斯蘭教中肯嗎?(Do you feel the media tells everything right about Islam?) 是 (Yes) 不是 (No) 不清楚 (Not sure) None 13. 你覺得女士在伊斯蘭教內受到打壓嗎?(Do you feel women are oppressed in Islam?) 是 (Yes) 不是 (No) 不清楚 (Not sure) None 14. 你覺得女士在伊斯蘭教的教義中有任何權利嗎?(Do you feel women have rights in Islam?) 是 (請簡述)[Yes (examples?)] 不是(請解釋)[No (please explain)] 不清楚 (Not sure) None 15. 你覺得伊斯蘭教與華人能兼容嗎?(Do you think Islam and Chinese people can combine?) 可以 (Yes) 不可以 (請簡短解釋)[No (Short answer)] 不清楚 (Not sure) None 16. 假設你當僱主,你會否考慮聘請穆斯林嗎?(If you were a boss, would you employ Muslims?) 會 (Yes) 不會 (為什麼) [No (why not?)] 不清楚 (Not sure) None 17. 你知道什麼是清真食物嗎?(Do you know what is halal food?) 知道 (Yes) 不知道 (No) 不清楚 (Not sure) None 18. 你知道什麼是古蘭經(可蘭經)嗎?(Do you know what is the Quran?) 知道 (請簡述)[Yes (short answer)] 不知道 (Not sure) None 19. 你有興趣了解伊斯蘭教嗎?(Would you like to learn more about Islam?) 有 (Yes) 沒有 (No) 不清楚 (Not sure ) None 20. 你想要中文譯本的古蘭經(可蘭經)嗎?(Would you like a copy of the Quran in Chinese language?) 想 (Yes) 不想 (No) None Time's up See more Previous article Survey – Energise Emaan I Shaykh Ahsan Hanif I February 2018 Next article Testing Written by Rashid Baba Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Type in the text displayed above