The fact that you have come here shows you believe in what MCHK is trying to achieve and we are already grateful for your interest even before you give, as actions are based upon intentions.

Ideally, we would like our donors to support us monthly as this will enable us to continue with our centre’s monthly expenses, our educational programs, our promotional drives and other time to time expenses.

Monthly Donors

I agree to give a monthly donation of HK$___ on the ____ of each month.

One-off Donors

I agree to give a one-off donation of HK$ ___.

Your donations can be made by sending us an email to or messaging us on (+852) 6848 5966.

It goes without saying that we are extremely thankful for your support. We are very careful of how we use the public funds and hope to use them most effectively.

May The Almighty accept from all and bless everyone’s wealth.