Some people say sports and politics should not be mixed and one should not affect nor influence the other’s decision making. But this is all but a saying, for the political ties between certain countries or the image of a particular country most definitely can impact the decision whether for the sports teams to play one another or not.
For the Argentinian football team, it made it so. On Wednesday, 6th June, it was reported that the Argentinian football association has decided to cancel it’s friendly match with Israel due to be hosted in Israel.
Reasons behind this stance have been many, from some of the players claiming to boycott the match as they are pro-Palestinian to death threats to certain players.
All in all, what made the headlines was that Israel and it’s government were not happy, which naturally brought smiles on the faces of those who are against the apartheid inhumane regime.
'Red card' for Israel?
Argentina has cancelled its friendly match with the Israeli football team following pro-Palestinian campaigns
— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) June 7, 2018
The very next day, two of Hong Kong’s organisations decided to write a letter of appreciation to the Consul General of Argentina in Hong Kong. United Humanitarian Front for Peace in Palestine (UHFPP) and Muslim Council of Hong Kong (MCHK) wrote respective letters of showing their gratitude for Argentina to make such a brave move.

Not only the letter, but UHFPP also went an extra mile to send a bouquet of flowers to the Consul General and this was received with heartfelt thanks.
As soon as MCHK seen this, they also took the step to send a letter of appreciation of their own to further show the support of the move taken.
MCHK Chairperson Adeel Malik caught up with UHFPP spokesperson Yasir Naveed to inquire the mindset behind this letter
1) What made you write this letter?
We wanted to appreciate the positive step and let Argentinian government know what they have done has won our hearts.
2) How important it is to show appreciation for such stances?
It is important to show this appreciation because we usually point out the negative steps taken by countries against Palestine, but there is so much positivity and bravery that needs to be appreciated as well.
The minimum we can do is appreciate.
3) Do you think such a move makes a difference, even in the slightest?
Such a move makes a huge difference. First of all, it is a breath of fresh air for Palestinians to know that another country acknowledges their situation and is willing to show it instead of leaving them alone.
Secondly, it sets a precedent for the world and we hope more people will follow Argentina’s example.
Again, this why we need to appreciate these steps to show the world that we will support whoever takes a stance for Palestine.
4) What’s your message to those who still support Israel and blame Palestine under the flag of Hamas terrorism?
Supporting Israel is nothing more than being on the wrong side of history, just like the people who supported Nazis, apartheid South Africa and other such extremist forces that reached avenues of power by corruption and spreading hate.
The excuse of Hamas hiding behind general public is repetition of the same excuse made in Iraq, Afghanistan, Myanmar and Syria resulting in millions of innocent deaths.
The murderers always find the same excuse to kill innocent people, but never let independent inquiries take place. That reluctance against independent inquiry is a proof that these excuses are baseless and ill-founded.
Such stances of boycotting and breaking off ties with those who are causing havoc upon innocent lives and are showing clear inhumane acts have to be put into action by all.