One of the best times of the Islamic calendar is getting close – Dhul Hijjah – the month of Hajj, most specifically the first ten days of this blessed month.
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said about these ten days being the best ten days of the year:
No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these days (meaning the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah). [Muslim and Sunan An Nasa’i]
Hajj is not just one of the five pillars of Islam, but it’s a spiritual journey that has changed many lives for the better, by the grace of Allāh.
Those who have been blessed to have been on the journey know exactly the priceless feeling of being in the house of Allah and visiting the Masjid of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
Here are heartwarming pictures of this year’s Hajj pilgrims (Hujjaj) being welcomed in the two of the most blessed lands on the face of this earth.


We ask Allah to protect every single Hujjaj.
We ask Allah to accept and reward multifold every good deed done by the Hujjaj.
We ask Allah to guide the Ummah and invite us all on this life-changing journey at least once, if not again and again.