
Oldest Hajj pilgrim? Indonesian man claiming to be 130 arrives in Saudi Arabia for hajj

An Indonesian man claiming to be 130-years-old arrived in the Kingdom Wednesday to perform Hajj in Makkah, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) and Arab News reported.

Ohi Aidros Samri arrived at the King Abdulaziz International Airport with his family of six. He is being hosted by the King Salman’s Hajj and Umrah Guests Program to perform Hajj rituals this year.

Samri, who is believed to be the oldest person to ever perform Hajj, was welcomed by a number of Saudi officials.

The oldest person to previously perform Hajj was 104-year-old Ibu Mariah Marghani Muhammad from Indonesia.

She made her pilgrimage in 2017.

If Samri’s age was verified onternationally, he would be one of the oldest people to have ever lived.

That honor is officially held by French woman Jeanne Calment who was 122 when she died in 1997, although one study has disputed the record.

Another Indonesian man, Saparman Sodimejo, also known as Mbah Gotho, claimed to be 146 years old when he died in 2017. The paperwork he claimed proved his age has not been independently verified.

May Allah safeguard all the elderly, the weak and the vulnerable during hajj.

Written by Adeel Malik

Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Scotland and ethnically Pakistani, Adeel primes himself to be a multicultural individual who is an advent social media user for the purpose of learning and propagating Islam while is also a sports fan. Being an English teacher himself, he envisions a bright future for Muslims which he strongly believes can only be done with education.

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