
Muslim Pakistani set to be promoted from a constable to an inspector for Hong Kong’s Police Force

A Muslim of Pakistani origin is becoming a police inspector in Hong Kong, marking a new milestone in the city’s efforts to bring in more non-ethnic Chinese into the Hong Kong’s Police Force as reported by Ejinsight.

Abdul Faisal, 26, graduated at the top of his class at the Hong Kong Police College, putting him on course for a promising career.

Following a passing-out parade at the college last Saturday, Faisal will be one of the 20 graduates who will join the police force as probationary inspectors.

Faisal, who was born in Hong Kong and also has a Chinese name, Lui Man-tik, received high praise from his class instructor for the performance and attitude he showed during the training period.

The instructor, a person named Hung Oi-man, also said Faisal was always willing to use his private time to take care of his classmates and share his years of experience as a constable with them.

Faisal, meanwhile, told reporters that he had faced discrimination and bullying during his childhood because of the color of his skin.

But he said he received succor from a policeman during that time, a factor that prompted him to join the force so that he, too, can help others.

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With much effort, he finally realized his dream and became a constable in Yuen Long in 2010.

Serving as a constable, he said his skin color actually proved useful on certain occasions, especially in cases involving people from ethnic minorities.

Ethnic minority people felt reassured by his presence and tended to open up about their problems, he said.

Now, as he prepares to assume more responsibilities as an inspector, Faisal will return to Yuen Long to start his new job and devote more of his time to communicating with leaders from ethnic minority communities to understand difficulties faced by them and provide assistance.

This is exactly what being a Muslim is about – serving the community and being a benefitting member of the society as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said in Daraqutni:

“The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.”

Apple Daily, meanwhile, also reported that the policeman hopes to work for the Commercial Crime Bureau since he is personally more interested in accounting and mathematics.

If any ethnic minority member of the Hong Kong community, aged 15-25, would like to learn Chinese then please join Project Gemstone. Classes are free, held every Saturday in Jordan and are organised by the Yau Tsim Police District. Please contact them for more details.

Written by Adeel Malik

Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Scotland and ethnically Pakistani, Adeel primes himself to be a multicultural individual who is an advent social media user for the purpose of learning and propagating Islam while is also a sports fan. Being an English teacher himself, he envisions a bright future for Muslims which he strongly believes can only be done with education.

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