
Canadian Muslim thanks Allah for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he attends the funeral prayer of the 6 killed at mosque

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has touched many hearts since taking leadership, something that’s been evident at the recent fatal shootings and killings at the Quebec mosque.

At the funeral prayer and gathering of the 6 Muslims killed, the Prime Minister was present throughout and his sympathetic acts during his stay were noticed by many, including Noor Syed, who’s Facebook post went viral.

Justin Trudeau has been sitting next to us for the past 3 hours to honor our 6 heroes.

He walks in as soon as the khutbah started with his eyes welled up.

His Muslim immigration minister sits down in front of us to join the khutbah (sermon) and Salah (prayers).

During the speeches I saw Justin tear up many times.

While we were praying salatul Jumah (Friday prayers) and janazah (funeral prayer) he stood up for the entire duration of the prayer as a sign of respect.

I thanked Allah for blessing us with a just leader after years of being ruled by a bigot.

I also asked Allah to bless our neighbors down south with a leader like Trudeau.

All Trump jokes aside, it’s getting pretty serious now. If Trump continues to lead in his fascist ways, these janazahs will become a norm in North America.

P.S: Do your part and support 17 orphans and 6 widows as a result of this tragedy:

Written by Adeel Malik

Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Scotland and ethnically Pakistani, Adeel primes himself to be a multicultural individual who is an advent social media user for the purpose of learning and propagating Islam while is also a sports fan. Being an English teacher himself, he envisions a bright future for Muslims which he strongly believes can only be done with education.

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