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A Muslim from Syria had a broke American mother come to his shop, you won’t believe what he did.

The case of refugees from Syria and other places has been a sensitive topic, one which allows the likes of Donald Trump to use anti-immigration propaganda.

A CCTV video has recently shown an American mother come into a jeweller shop, not knowing who it belonged to. The shop is being run by a Muslim from Syria who is currently living in Dallas. Watch and see the touching story unfold and ask yourselves – are all immigrants a burden on the society?

Such heartwarming stories ought to remind us that there are good people in all societies. It’s about giving a chance to everyone and supporting those in need. This is a key message within Islam that subsequently make Muslims to be from the most generous and merciful people in the world.


Written by Adeel Malik

Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Scotland and ethnically Pakistani, Adeel primes himself to be a multicultural individual who is an advent social media user for the purpose of learning and propagating Islam while is also a sports fan. Being an English teacher himself, he envisions a bright future for Muslims which he strongly believes can only be done with education.


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